+1(224) 225-9680


Technology Market Introduction

Partners trusting
in Zyzygy

Leverage worldwide Ingenuity
+ Complement with local
market wisdom

Zyzygy Inc. is a US Benefit Corporation, and its vision explicitly states the company fundamental intent:


Zyzygy Inc. is proud to partner with several B2B and B2C customers currently embarked in successful digital transformations.


“To resolve business problems by designing and implementing innovative solutions and/or identifying technology solutions already existing in other parts of the world and that can be applied, adapted or integrated as part of a more complete system”


Our international exposure, diverse experience acumen, and corporate DNA of searching for social and environmental benefit, are the key drivers of our success.


Zyzygy Inc. is constantly evaluating and incorporating global technology solutions and providers to solve challenges faced by any of our practices and delivery teams.


We play in different markets.


We understand several industries based on our strong partnership with customers.


We are better positioned to drive adoption of innovative technologies from inside.


We work for, with and as the customer.

Reach out if your solution is a game changer
and we will get in contact to evaluate partnerships.